Easter greetings, in the form of pictures and videos from different communities.
Read more...Lyon
We live in a developing neighbourhood, 10 minutes from the railway station and the shopping centre of La Part Dieu, at the boundary between the third arrondissement of Lyon and Villeurbanne.

The nearby parish of the Sacred Heart thrives on this demographic growth, deploying a patchwork of activities where different cultures live side by side.
We seek to live out in this place the call we have received “to love and serve God in all things”.
Our life together
in Lyon
Our common life needs to be built up each year so that it can support the mission of each sister.
Our missions are supported by daily common prayer. Important events bring us together and mark our community life.
The vaulted cellar is the prayerful heart of the house; the garden, a haven of peace rhythmed by the changes of season.
Moments of relaxation and hospitality also give life to the house. We like to welcome: the novitiate during the Ignatian inter-novitiate sessions, our visiting sisters, our families or friends, people who are looking for a space of silence…

The geographical proximity with our community in Ameugny allows us to go and support them in their mission in Taizé and to share with them times of celebration and fellowship.
Our missions in Lyon
Attentive to those close by, the community lives nevertheless within a larger network that varies each year. It is woven by the missions of each of the sisters: