On 30 July 2024, Isabel entered the noviciate in Ameugny
Read more...Ameugny

We live in the village of Ameugny.
We mainly collaborate in welcoming the Taizé community, located near Ameugny.
Our community is currently where the novitiate is located.
Our life together
in Ameugny
We are about ten sisters from different nationalities.
The community is made up of sisters at different stages of integration in the Congregation: professed sisters, young professed sisters and novices.
Morning and evening, we gather in our chapel for common prayer.
Song, silence, listening to the Word of God: this is our source.

“Community is built and invented
every day, through
the participation of each member.”
a source of joy, of mutual support,
and a place of respect and trust."

where we learn
from each other
what it is we wish to proclaim."
“Marked by solitude,
our community life
is lived at an ever greater depth
of communion.”
Sisters of St. Andrew, Vitrail, p. 39

Our mission in Taizé
and elsewhere
We have been sent to collaborate with the Taizé Community.
We have been sharing and supporting the Taizé brothers’ ministry with young people since 1966. Our community adjusts its rhythm to that of the meeting in Taizé, with its ebb and flow with the seasons. We oversee a diversity of tasks, collaborations and services.
Despite its numbers, Taizé is not a place where one becomes lost in a crowd. Individual attention to each person is always assured. For example, it is s possible for each person to meet personally with a brother or sister for an exchange of ideas or simply to have an opportunity to share something.
Sometimes this will enable young people to experience regular spiritual direction, either in Taizé for volunteers who stay for several months, or back home for those who are just passing through.
Accompanying and sharing the human and spiritual quest of these young people puts us at the heart of our Ignatian vocation: to help others to reflect on their faith and life journey.
In the spirit of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, we lead weeks of silent retreat, with the possibility of spiritual direction.

We regularly pray in Taizé, with all those present on the hill.
More information about the Sisters of St. Andrew in Taizé: a talk by Agnès Granier, our Superior General (pdf, in French), given during a week about the relevance of Religious Life, which took place in Taizé in 2015.
In Taizé and the surrounding area ...
We are also actively involved in the life of the village of Ameugny. In addition, some of us are involved in our diocese for formation and spiritual direction.
Our community is the place of formation for novices. Moments of common life in Ameugny and of mission at Taizé alternate with times of formation and sessions, notably with novices from other Ignatian Congregations.
He Brings us to Life!
"He brings us to life!" Words sung during Hélène's entry into the noviciate
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