Our best wishes for 2025!

We are an apostolic Congregation
belonging to the Ignatian spiritual tradition.
Our internationality,
our ecumenical openness,
and the diversity of our missions
are essential parts of who we are.
It is Christ who has brought us together.
It is in his name that we are sent throughout the world
where we hope to be of greater service
to God and to our neighbour.
Since the 13th century in Tournai,
solidarity with the poor
has been at the heart of our origins
and has continued to be expressed
in different ways
throughout the course of history.
This experience is an example
of God’s faithfulness.
This faithfulness has allowed us
to open ourselves more and more
to the unexpected,
by hearing the call of Christ
and placing our humble trust
in the One who invites us,
saying: “Come and See!”
Since the 13th century in Tournai,
solidarity with the poor has been at the heart of our origins
and has continued to be expressed in different ways
throughout the course of history.
This experience is an example of God’s faithfulness.
This faithfulness has allowed us to open ourselves
more and more to the unexpected,
by hearing the call of Christ
and placing our humble trust in the One who invites us,
saying: “Come and See!”
Welcome to those who would like to know more about us.
From day to day, from age to age…
Meeting of the professed sisters of the European Region, 15-17 November 2024