During the weekend of 15-17 November, the professed sisters of Europe met at Ramegnies-Chin to discuss the theme of age: ‘From day to day, from age to age. Together. Where do we go from here?’
We discussed the topic of ‘’Ageing together‘’, with several times of sharing and three remarkable talks by Doctor Muriel Carles, who came for the weekend.
Different perspectives were taken to help us reflect: each and every one of us has her own way of being in the world, and we are called to constantly renew our worldview.
What meaning do we give to this word: together, with our different ages and missions?
The discussions were very rich, interspersed with meditative Lauds in our cloister, a beautiful Eucharist
presided by François-Xavier Bocca, s.j., and time for sweet and savoury treats from the 4 corners of our communities!
May we give thanks for this living Body to which we belong and which seeks to give itself ever more fully to the proclamation of the Good News.
Life is a place of fruitfulness and creation, at every age!