A gathering of 1250 young people in Maredsous
Read more...Brussels
Here we are: a handful of sisters in the capital of Europe!

Sent as Sisters of Saint Andrew to this international city, we fit right in, as you can hear from the accents of our countries of origin: the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
Life in our house is invented from the gifts, charisms and places of mission of each one. Our life together is a mosaic: here are some facets of it.

The dispersion in our respective missions, fraternal life and prayer set the tempo of our days, whether it is in our chapel, around a meal, during times of discussions, watching a film or during a community outing.
Welcome is a key word: we like to open our house to any person or group, for a time of rest or retreat.
Through spiritual direction, we walk alongside our contemporaries… with the Lord!
Every month, we become the Brussels branch of OJP, “Orval Jeunes en Prière”, offering young people a time of prayer followed by a moment of fellowship.
Living our specificity as Sisters of Saint Andrew in a small community in the boiling waters of Brussels requires us to always adjust, discern and invent. The challenges are many; we try to be present through our missions, in proportion to our energy!
Our missions
Our missions

Serving the Church of Brussels, Anne is responsible for a pastoral unit (grouping 5 parishes) in the North-East of the city, called the Kerkebeek.
Nadine is a hospital chaplain
and she shares moments of
the life of the La Branche, a foyer of the L’Arche community.

Bep and Anne-Marie take part in the life of the Poverello by serving the needy and accompanying the international youth community.

Artistic activities are part of the community’s mission:
dance, music, writing icons, making candles…

Come and visit us: we will be happy to welcome you!