From 24 April to 5 June, Marie-Christine and Clare participated in the Ignatian Immersion Course held at the Jesuit spiritual centre La Cova de Sant Ignasi, in Manresa (Spain).

Clare shares some of her experience :
For 6 weeks we formed a community. We, that is, about thirty people from the Ignatian family: Jesuits, religious and lay people, living in about twenty countries, working in very different contexts.
The course began by exploring the writings of Ignatius of Loyola both in the context of his personal life and the context of the world and the Church at that time. We also looked at some key moments in the history of the Society of Jesus, the Church and religious life. Throughout the course we were invited to reflect and share, in small groups or all together, on how to use the wisdom found in these sources in our missions and our world today. For me personally, I discovered how the writings of Ignatius, when studied closely and together, are all interrelated and point to each other, the fruit of the experiences of Ignatius himself and the beginnings of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). We also visited some key places in Ignatius’ life, such as Loyola and Montserrat.
Our common prayers, prepared by each one of us, allowed us to know each other in ways other than in class. We also had free time together: our meals, games, walks, relaxing on a terrace with a beautiful view of Manresa and Montserrat….
I am very grateful for everything I received during these weeks, in the classes, our times of group sharing, our excursions and the friendships made within the group.