Together with the Brothers of Taizé, the sisters of the community of Ameugny are looking for new ways of staying connected to young people in these unusual times.

During Holy Week, the Taizé Community premiered a bible introduction each morning on their YouTube channel. Two of these were prepared and given by sisters in Ameugny: Gabi on Holy Monday and Clare on Good Friday. Both introductions are in English, with subtitles in various langagues availabe in the ‘settings’ menu.

Every evening during the Paschal Tridiuum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday), the Taizé Community held a “Special Program for Holy Week”, livestreamed on their YouTube channel. Hosted by volunteers from Taizé, a discussion was led based on the bible introduction of the day as well as a witness from a bishop and a young person. Clare was thus invited to participate in the programme on Good Friday.

On Saturday 8th August 2020, Christina and Louisa gave a workshop called “Invent with your God the future God gives you: making choices in life”, broadcast live on Facebook.

Fiona was part of the team that created “Onlineda”, an online initiative for families who were not able to visit Taizé this summer:

At Pentecost, Gabi and Margriet gave a workshop, “God is in this place and I didn’t know it”, to help us look back over and reflect upon our experiences during the months of lockdown:

In May, during lockdown, Lorella shared a biblical meditation:

And Christina and Sietske have been regularly leading online song practices via the YouTube channel of the Taizé community: